AM Hunger Walk

Associated Ministries of Pierce County rallies individuals, congregations, and business to fight hunger in our area. The Hunger Walk is held in October each year. For the last few years the event has taken place at Fort Steilacoom Park. This year the event will take place on October 6th beginning at 1:00 p.m. for runners and 2:00 p.m. for walkers.


Lutheran Community Services Northwest is a non-profit human services agency serving communities throughout Washington, Oregon and Idaho. Our caring staff provides a wide variety of services to adults, adolescents, children, families, schools, businesses, congregations, neighborhoods and communities. We are privileged to touch the lives of people of all ages, cultures and faiths.

Relay For Life

Each year, more than 4 million people in over 20 countries raise much-needed funds and awareness to save lives from cancer through the Relay For Life movement. In Tacoma, the event takes place in early June. In 2013 nearly $ 600,000 was raised to support the cause.

Love INC

Assisting individuals and families struggling with unmet needs for food, diapers, utility payments, fuel for vehicles is the focus for Love, INC. Through member churches and donations to Love, INC. disadvantaged people are served in our community.

Tacoma Lutheran Retirement Community

The Tacoma Lutheran Retirement Community provides a full range of care options for seniors in the Tacoma area. Specialized care is available for individuals struggling with memory loss, disabilities, as well as areas for assisted living and even independent living on the campus.